Understanding The Postpartum

Understanding the Postpartum Weight Loss Experience

Topic: Understanding the Postpartum Weight Loss Experience

How Pregnancy Affects Weight Gain and Loss

It is important to remember that everyone’s body is unique, and therefore no two individuals have the same experience. While women certainly gain weight in pregnancy, some medical professionals have suggested that some may gain more than is necessary due to several factors. These factors include pre-pregnancy BMI, the number of previous pregnancies (if any), as well as physical habits, such as exercise and nutrition. These factors can heavily influence the amount of weight that is gained during pregnancy.

Overall, most doctors tend to agree that women should gain approximately 15-40 pounds during their pregnancy. However, this is once again dependent on pre-pregnancy BMI. Some women may gain within this range, some more, and some less. Since everyone is different, it is ultimately important to remember to be patient with oneself.

Once a woman gives birth, most will find that they lose their pregnancy weight within the span of a year after their delivery. Some of this occurs quite quickly, since excess fluid, including the placenta and amniotic fluid, is shed after the birth of the baby. For example, some women may lose as much as 8-20 pounds in the initial two weeks after their delivery.

After excess fluid is shed, it may be a bit difficult to lose the remaining weight. It may take some time and while some may find the process a tad frustrating, there are some effective ways to successfully shed postpartum weight.

Effective Ways to Shed Postpartum Weight

It may be tempting to begin crash dieting or counting calories, but mothers who are breastfeeding need approximately 500 extra calories per day. However, moderate diet and exercise is safe to engage in after the recovery period is complete, which is approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on the method of delivery. In fact, in some cases, breastfeeding has been correlated with faster postpartum weight loss.

Effective ways to shed postpartum weight include eating several small meals a day to boost the metabolism, instead of three larger meals. Fruits and veggies are important in this process, as well as intaking a healthy amount of fluids. Combining nutrients with plenty of water assists the body in breaking up fatty deposits.

Key Takeaway

Moderation in exercise and diet is the key to postpartum weight loss. After giving the body plenty of time to recover, small and frequent meals that include fruits and veggies, as well as plenty of water, help boost the metabolism. It is important to remember that everyone’s body is different, including the postpartum weight loss experience. Be kind and patient with yourself as your body works to achieve its pre-pregnancy BMI.

Topic Discussed: Understanding the Postpartum Weight Loss Experience

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