Seven Ways To Encourage

Seven Ways to Encourage Your Baby to Use Their Pacifier

Topic: Seven Ways to Encourage Your Baby to Use Their Pacifier

It can sometimes be difficult to get babies to use their pacifiers. They may spit them out often or refuse to take them altogether. With a little patience and training, there are several ways to encourage your baby to use their pacifier.

Seven Tips for Using a Pacifier

Some children may not want to use a pacifier, or at least not for any length of time. If you are having trouble getting your baby to use their pacifier, these seven tips can encourage them:

Display Patience and Confidence

Teaching your child to use their pacifier will likely take time. Babies, much like adults, may not take kindly to having a foreign object put in their mouths. Displaying patience and confidence can calm the child and show them that everything is okay.

Make it Seem Like Fun

Offering your baby a pacifier while they are crying might only make things worse. Instead, you can try to make it seem like fun, offering it to them when they are in a good mood. This will help create positive associations, making them more likely to take it when they need to self-soothe.

Give Them the Pacifier After Feedings

If a baby is hungry, offering them a pacifier will cause frustration. However, giving them the pacifier after they are full and satisfied will increase the chance of them taking it, and they will not be upset when they do not receive milk from it.

Apply Formula or Breast Milk to the Pacifier

Applying formula or breast milk to the pacifier can tempt your little one into taking it from you and putting it in their mouth. In addition, it may also help them make positive associations with the pacifier, and they will more likely reach for it in times of need.

Simulate the Breastfeeding Process

A baby may not always see the point in taking a pacifier. If this is the case, you can simulate the breastfeeding process by quickly giving them the pacifier after they are done feeding. You can also touch the side of the baby’s cheek with the pacifier, signaling them to latch on.

Try Different Kinds of Pacifiers

There are many kinds of pacifiers and trying out different ones may increase your chances of finding one your baby likes. Like anything else, they might have certain preferences and it may be a matter of finding the right pacifier.

Practice Reverse Psychology

Practicing reverse psychology can make your baby think it is their idea to take the pacifier. You may act as if you are about to remove it by gently tugging on it, which may make them want it more.

Key Takeaway

It takes babies time to warm up to the idea of a pacifier. At first, they may resist it completely or use it inconsistently. However, these seven tips and tricks can help them acclimate to using a pacifier much more quickly.

Topic Discussed: Seven Ways to Encourage Your Baby to Use Their Pacifier

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